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Quality induction forging equipment supplier

Quality induction forging equipment supplier


Forever induction forging equipment has good features of uniform heating and fast heating.Top quality induction forging equipment at factory price. Inquiry us for free solution for induction forging equipment.

Features of Forever induction forging equipment :

1,Easy to operate,charge in and discharge flexibly;

2,Fast speed of work piece heating ,heating temperature is uniform and can be control.

3,High efficiency,low cost for forging piece;

4.No pollution and reducing production cost. ,workers.

Please tell us the following information when you inquiry to us :

1,the temperature of the work piece to heat?

2,the material and OD of the work piece?

3,The heating beat or heating efficiency ? (how long to heat a wor kpiece ?)

4,if the work piece is copper rod, steel rod, aluminum rod, what is the length of it?

Forever can supply induction forging equipment from 100 KW-8000 KW in output power.The bar or rod diameter from 16 mm to 150 mm. The pipe diameter is from 15 mm to 300 mm. Forever also has the ability to design and develop custom induction heating equipment based on requirements specific to the customer’s application.

This article is from Forever-Hot Rolling Steel Ball Production  equipment manufacturer.

Post time: 08-12-2016