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The checking before operation for the Hot rolling steel ball production equipment

The checking before operation for  the Hot rolling steel ball production equipment 

Hot rolling steel ball production equipment  is one kind of steel ball production  equipment.Hot rolling means that the the steel bar will be heat to a certain temperature then enter into the skew rolling mill to roll into the steel ball directly.Forever has produced many hot rolling steel ball production equipment so we have the rich experience to supply you the high quality hot rolling steel ball production equipment.

The checking before operation for  the Hot Rolling Steel Ball Production Equipment :

 Exterior Checking  

① Checking all the components to ensure they are in good condition

② Checking all the fixtures to ensure they are in good condition

③ Checking all the wiring connections and the welding points are good,

④ Ensure all the connections are correct.

⑤ Checking the insulation between main circuit, control circuit and cabinet cover,all phases  with the multimeter.

Water System Checking

Opening the input water valve and adjust the hydraulic pressure to 0.1-0.15Mpa then check water way has leakage or not.

Power checking

① When the air switch of the two low-voltage distribution close separately, the corresponding main power lamp will be on.

② When closing the control power, the corresponding indicator lamp will be on.

③ Checking the LED indicator lamp of inverter trigger pulse is on slightly or not.

About more information about the hot rolling steel ball production equipment and related induction heating equipment,induction heat treatment equipment,please visit our website or send us emails,looking forward to your news.




Post time: 08-02-2016